Scribble: Parenting = Stuck in a Möbius strip of chores

Being a parent is a bit like being stuck in a never ending mobs strip of chores. Hello, you’re done with this one? Here’s the next gazillion things waiting for you!

When my son started sleeping through the night at 90 days, I felt things got so much easier. 90 days to 6 months was a bliss. All my child related chores consisted of occasionally researching and buying montessori toys. Once he hit 6 months - Oh boy.

Starting Solids induced a whole lot of chores - from buying pots and pans, his table wear, his high chair, to building a solid schedule, preparing them weekly, feeding him, washing him. He started crawling, so we had to baby proof our house - Corner bumpers, drawer locks, attaching stand alone furniture to the wall. He now ‘needs’ to socialize, so here comes baby gyms and swim classes.

Now, our Saturdays are generally friend time or playdate, and Sunday afternoons are reserved to Adult meal planning for the next week, preparing his solids, grocery shopping, expenses…

I swear if parenting somehow magically came without the chore component, it would be the best thing ever. Well, of course, even with the chore component, it still is. I’m just saying, it’d be even more magical.

Although I’m so sad to see him grow so quickly and I’m sure I’ll miss this baby stage SO much, I’m low key excited to be back to a ‘couple’ only life 20 years later, just left with chores for ourselves!


Review: I tried 12 different swaddles to get (my baby) some sleep, and here’s my take.